Community group stall holder application forms for the 2024/2025 season are now available.
Mandjar Markets are Mandurah's premier waterfront market, located under the shady trees on the lush green grass at the Southern end of the Eastern foreshore, Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah. We are a well-known established handmade market with award winning Arts & Crafts artisans, gourmet goodies, children's activities, and live entertainment. Our trading times are 9.00am - 3.00pm each Sunday weekly from the October to May excluding the City of Mandurah’s special event dates (Please check our Facebook page for confirmation or updates on our trading dates)
Please read the information below for Community Group Stall Holder Applications:
Community Groups/Fundraisers/Local NFP Community Groups: Community NFP Group sites are free of charge and availability is limited.
Please note that stalls and/or promotional material must not be of a political or religious nature.
We welcome Local NFP Community Groups to join us on the Eastern Foreshore, such as Sporting Groups, Local schools, Children's activity groups, Animal welfare organisations etc in the promotion of raising public awareness to their cause or for a fund-raising venture – ie: sausage sizzle- You will be sent additional forms to complete for the City of Mandurah Health department if holding a sausage sizzle
Please note – No second-hand goods or raffles are permitted
Stall holder site locations are at the discretion of Mandjar Markets committee.
Wait List: A wait list or a roster may be formed if the amount of Community Group Applications exceeds the dates available during the market season. Preference is given to local Community groups. You will be notified of this if your application meets our criteria of a Community Group.
Insurance Requirements: All Community groups must provide copies of their public liability insurance. All stallholders must have in place their own Public or Public and Product Liability Policy with a minimum of $10 million cover in the stallholder’s Community Group name. If the stallholder offers for sale FOOD, Cosmetics and beauty products, Medicines, Potions, Oils, Fragrances, Soaps you must have in place your own Public combined with Product Liability Policy. It is the Stallholders responsibility to have the correct and valid Public/Product Liability insurance in place.
Marquees/ Tables:
Mandjar Markets does not offer marquees, tables or chairs.
All equipment is to be provided by the stall holder.
Marquees must be one-piece, heavy duty and collapsible with removable roof covers.
Put together pole/rod tents will not be permitted to be erected.
Market umbrellas are not acceptable.
All equipment is to be stable, in good condition and able to withstand wind gusts.
Clear panels in backs and screen sides are highly recommended.
Safety must be of paramount consideration.
All tents/marquees must be weighted down to withstand wind gusts.
All ropes are to be flagged for visual safety reasons
All other anchors are to be sited within the allocated 3m x 3m site.
All tents/marquees are to be adequately secured by approved anchors (guy ropes) & weights/ mid length plastic/wooden ground pegs. Please note “Star Pickets” and METAL pegs/screws of any sort are not to be used.
All items on sale must be secured against becoming airborne at all times.
Application Process:
Received applications will be confirmed by email.
Applicants will be notified by email if they have submitted incomplete applications. They will be given two (2) days to submit the further information required. If information is not received within two days no further correspondence will be entered into and the application process will cease.
Outcome of Application:
Mandjar Markets will notify applicants by email of the outcome or progress of their Community Group application within 7 (seven) days upon receiving a completed application.
No further correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful applicants from this point forward. Acceptance and non-acceptance is at the discretion of the Mandjar Market Committee. The Mandjar Markets Committee reserves the right to reject applications and not to enter into any correspondence about the decision. All decisions made by the committee are final.
Behind the scenes - Mandjar Markets are also a not-for-profit group that is managed by a volunteer committee and each application to be part of our Markets Trading day is assessed in the best interest for the outlook of our market and the appeal to our visitors